Anyway, that's what's been going on with me. Here are a few random pics from the past few weeks. I can't seem to post without any pictures! :)
Olivia with her 2nd cousin Serah, visiting from Turkey. Dark hair, dark brown eyes. Red hair, light blue eyes. Quite a contrast but both beautiful! Serah. Look at those BIG beautiful brown eyes!
All the girls
Olivia having lunch w/her cousin Adalee. She stayed w/us while her mommy was in labor!
We headed to the zoo the next morning. The girls had a blast!
Adalee loved the Butterfly Pavillion!
Liv patiently trying to catch a butterfly
Sweet cousins
I discovered that Adalee was petrified of gorillas, both real and fake. She screamed when I tried to get a pic of her on this with Olivia
Adalee wasn't too fond of the goats either!
You sure can get a workout at our zoo ... lots of hills!
We then headed over to the hospital so Adalee could meet her new baby brother. I think she was more interested in the Cheerios though!
The new family of 4!
Welcome to the world Joah James! The Deese name will live on ... I gave it 3 tries :)
Yep! Another redhead. I guess it's just in the genes!
He is so cute! I just love babies!
Olivia holding her new cousin Joah
The following pics were taken when we went to deliver a meal to Kevin and Heather. We were a little early and they weren't home so while we waited the girls and I had fun taking pictures!
I just love this girl!
Olivia and Dodger
Julia relaxing on the hammock
Jules holding Joah
Abby with her new baby BOY cousin! She keeps telling me I need to bring her home a baby brother when I go to Costa Rica!
Well, I think that was more than just a few pictures. I guess that's what happens when you don't blog for almost a month. Olivia is playing upstairs so I think I'm going take advantage of the peace and quiet and go watch the debate from last night. Why didn't I watch last night? Well there were more important things on to watch!