Wednesday, November 26, 2008


Well, I'm back again. Sorry I haven't updated in awhile. Life has just been really busy. I'm getting ready to leave for my missions trip to Costa Rica the day after Thanksgiving. I can't believe it's finally here! I'm so excited but I also feel a little nervous too. I'm NOT going to have any communication with my family for 10 days. I've been away from them before, but we've always been in constant communication. Even when my hubby was thousands of miles away in Pakistan for 6 months, we still talked or emailed almost everyday. So, that aspect is going to be hard. Then again, I'm probably going to be so busy with the children, maybe I won't have time to miss my family. I'll be sure to give you an update, complete with lots of pictures, when I get back. I return on December 7. Please pray for our team while we are gone. Pray for good health, safety, turbulent free flights :), and most of all for God to use us in the lives of these children.

Trinity Church Costa Rica Mission Team - November 28 - December 7

As you've probably already noticed, I've added some new pictures of the girls to my header and sidebar. We had some professional family pictures taken a few weeks ago. I think they turned out pretty well. Here are a few more ...

This was most definitely not spontaneous!

Abby's model pose :)
It was hard to get Olivia to give a natural smile
Kevin (Kelby's brother), Heather, Adalee and baby Joah
Daddy and his girls
Kisses for mommy
The Deese Family
I know that was a lot more than a few. I kinda got carried away. I used a few of these pictures for our Chrismtas card this year. It turned out so well! Now I just have to finish writing my annual Christmas letter, finish packing, do laundry, freeze some meals for the family, clean house, and work some hours for my part-time job - all before I leave on Friday! Okay, I'm exhausted already! Adios mi amigos!


Candie said...

Hey again!I just adore the pictures! OH those little red headed girls! I showed Cannon the pictures and he just smiled! It was cute!

Candie said...

How was the mission trip?

Nick said...

his is a very significant blog. Thanks for sharing your thoughts. Keep up the good job in posting very good topics.
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