Thursday, September 18, 2008

Missions Trip

I want to share with you a ministry opportunity that the Lord has presented to me. In a couple of months I will be going to Costa Rica with a team of 15 women from my church. We will be working at a children's home. It is a Bible based, Christian, faith ministry which provides temporary homes for 'at-risk' children, ages birth to 7 years old. The heart beat of the home is to meet each child's physical needs, to share the eternal gift of salvation through Jesus Christ and to provide a stable environment in which the healing process Jesus Christ may begin in the hearts of these broken children.

Since prayer support is so important to the success of this mission, I would like to know if I can count on you in that area? Would you be willing to to pray regularly for me (at least once a week) during my preparation and training, and daily during the actual outreach? If I can count on you as a prayer partner, please post a comment or email me. I'm excited about the oppotunity and experience that lies ahead and I covet your prayers most of all. I will keep you updated in the coming months.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Escape of the puppies

Today hasn't been a very good day for me. It started out pretty good. I was up at 6:30 ... showered, dressed, with my make-up and hair done. This is a pretty big accomplishment for me because I normally take the girls to school in my pajamas! I know, I know. I'm not sure what I would do if I got in an accident. At least they're cute pajamas! My women's bible study started this morning so I had to have all three girls dressed, fed and out the door by 8:00. I made it to bible study, with a few minutes to spare, and had a great time of fellowship and digging into God's Word. I'm glad His Word was fresh in my heart because I was going to need lots of grace later that morning!

You may or may not remember that we got a new puppy a couple months ago. My mother-in-law also got one at the same time. The dogs are actually sisters. Well, she had errands to run so she asked if it would be okay if she dropped off her puppy at my house so the two could play together. I keep them gated up in my laundry room because they cannot be trusted yet! For good reason.
Well when I got home, I walked in through the garage door and this is what I found ...
The puppies had knocked over the gate. I later found out that when my mother-in-law came over to drop off Greta, she had let the dogs outside and when she put them back in the laundry room she didn't put up the gate securely! (GRACE, GRACE, GRACE!) I knew I was about to behold a disaster! There were accidents all throughout the house, chewed up flip-flops, paper, and toys. But the worst of all was there were scratch marks all over the bottom of my beautiful coffee table!

I know the culprits were Maggie and Greta. My sweet Mitzi probably took a nap while they reeked havoc throughout my house!

But it's hard to stay mad when you have a little face looking at you like this. I didn't get a picture of her co-conspirator. I had already banished her back to her home. I'm very thankful today that one of the messages in my bible study was not to become too attached to things that are temporal. I'm guessing that includes my scratched up coffee table.

Since we're on the subject of my dogs, I'm pretty sure this time around we didn't get a Miniature Schnauzer. They are supposed to weigh around 10-15 lbs. full grown. Well, my little pup was weighed the other day and she is already 13lbs at 4 months old... Mitzi's full grown weight.
I'm thinking this little Mini Schnauz of ours is turning out to be not quite so miniature!!! Enough talk of dogs, I have 3 girls that need some of my attention tonight.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Prayers for Nie Nie

So, I've added a new past-time to my life ... blog surfing. I know, I know, like I'm not busy enough already! You can hop from one blog to the next and read about the most interesting and uninteresting things. It's really quite addictive. It's quite easy to get caught up in their lives, these people I don't even know. Well, the other night as I was blog surfing, I ran across this blog. Stephenie (or Nie Nie as she calls herself) blogs about her life as a wife and mother. Her love for her family spills out over every entry.

The Nielsen Family

Well a couple weeks ago, Stephenie and her husband Christian (or Mr. Nielsen as she so romantically refers to him) were in a tragic plane crash. You can read more about it here. She was burned over 80% of her body and Christian was burned over 30%. They are both in critical condition. They have been on my mind constantly since reading their story and her blog. The other night I was tossing and turning all night so I just began to pray for them. They are currently recovering in a Phoenix burn unit. Her sister has begun a blog to keep all of her readers informed of their progress. Keep them in your prayers too!

Thursday, September 4, 2008

First Day of Preschool

My sweet little Olivia had her very first day of preschool today! She has been so excited, talking about it nonstop! "Mommy is it Tuesday or Fursday yet?" We drive by her school everytime we take her big sisters to and from school and she ALWAYS yells "There's my school." Well the day FINALLY arrived. I started out the morning by making blueberry waffles.

But she wanted chocolate cereal instead ... crazy girl

At least it was organic ... so I didn't feel like too bad of a mom

Jules was so excited for Olivia. Abby was too but she was still busy getting ready for school

All ready to go

This was Julia's backback that she had in Kindergarten. It's still in pretty good condition. She thinks it's cool to have her big sister's backpack. I'll take it while I can!

I look happy here but I'm really crying insideReady to go in!
Such a big girl

About this time she got really quiet! But my brave girl didn't shed a tear!
Playing with puzzles
I just couldn't make myself walk away. When I did, my tears started to flow
So ... what did I do with my first 2 1/2 hours of alone time. Vacuum? Clean my house? Workout? No. I got my haircut. Nothing's better than fresh highlights and cutting away a few inches.
Well except maybe for this. Maybe next Tuesday I'll head to The Cheesecake Factory for my favorite White Chocolate Raspberry Cheesecake.
Nah ... I really need to be doing this.
Well I have 3 little girls that have been playing outside all evening. It's been so beautiful here the past few days. Fall is in the air. I better go round them up and wash away the grime before John McCain's speech tonight at the RNC. I still get goosebumps when I think of Sarah Palin's speech last night. It was electrifying, passionate, and inspiring. Until next time my friends ...

Monday, September 1, 2008

Campout Dinner and Movie Night

I know I've been missing in action the past 2 weeks. Between Abby and Julia starting school, Julia and Liv getting sick, pre-school meetings, work meetings, Kelby working LONG hours, I just haven't had the time or energy to blog.

Yesterday evening we went over my brother-in-law and sister-in-law's house for a Campout/Movie Night. The weather was hot but once the sun went down it turned into a really nice evening.

Abby with Kevin and Heather's dog Dodger

Julia and Dodger Julia loves "mommying" her little cousin Adalee Adalee
Uncle Kelby with his niece
Awesome homemade salsa that Kevin made
Abby playing on Unlce Kev's iPhone ... as usual Adalee and Livvy having fun outside

Hobo dinner Kevin and Heather made. They cooked it over the firepit outside. Steak, chicken, potatoes, carrots, green peppers, red peppers, onions and green beans. Mmmmmm, so good! Well except for maybe the green beans. I'm not a fan of green beans
Oliva relaxing in the hammock
Julia eating a yummy smore Getting ready to watch the movie on the projecter and screen Kev and Kelby setup
We all laughed and had a great time watching "Happy Feet"
Well maybe except for Abby, she fell asleep at the end