Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Prayers for Nie Nie

So, I've added a new past-time to my life ... blog surfing. I know, I know, like I'm not busy enough already! You can hop from one blog to the next and read about the most interesting and uninteresting things. It's really quite addictive. It's quite easy to get caught up in their lives, these people I don't even know. Well, the other night as I was blog surfing, I ran across this blog. Stephenie (or Nie Nie as she calls herself) blogs about her life as a wife and mother. Her love for her family spills out over every entry.

The Nielsen Family

Well a couple weeks ago, Stephenie and her husband Christian (or Mr. Nielsen as she so romantically refers to him) were in a tragic plane crash. You can read more about it here. She was burned over 80% of her body and Christian was burned over 30%. They are both in critical condition. They have been on my mind constantly since reading their story and her blog. The other night I was tossing and turning all night so I just began to pray for them. They are currently recovering in a Phoenix burn unit. Her sister has begun a blog to keep all of her readers informed of their progress. Keep them in your prayers too!