Saturday, May 31, 2008

Bike Ride for 5!

We took the girls on a bike ride this morning to a trail here in town. We hadn't been riding since last summer. Abby and Julia are more confident on their bikes now, which made the ride so much more enjoyable. Liv sat in her bike trailer which was hooked to Kelby's bike. At one of our stops she said, "I'm glad we stopped, my legs hurt!" What? She'd been sitting the entire ride! Kids say the funniest things. I managed to get some great shots of them along the ride!

Abby's eyes look so blue in this picture!

Jules hugging a treeJulia's chain fell off halfway through our ride!Sweet Liv Don't think I'm a die hard or anything but I also managed to get my run in when we got back this afternoon. The bike ride wasn't any type of workout with all the starts and stops we made. I'm not sure if my run was so hard because I hadn't ran in over a week or because of the heat but it about killed me! I've been used to running when it's in the 40's, 50's, 60's or 70's. It was in the mid 80's today and the humidity was pretty high. I don't know how I'll continue my running this summer when the temps are in the 90's with the high humidity! I managed to run in Colorado Springs though at 6035 feet ... for some reason though that sounds more pleasant ... and more beautiful! Signing off for now, I have dinner to make!


marnmic said...

Lisa, your photos are great. What kind of camera do you use?