Tuesday, June 3, 2008

And She Sleeps

A few moments ago I was working on some of my dictation when I realized how quiet it was upstairs...unusual since all three girls were playing together! I went upstairs and found Abby and Julia had migrated to my room to watch TV, so I went in search of Olivia. This is how I found her in Julia's bedroom ...

I guess when the girls ditched her she found her "soft" and her thumb, plopped on the floor and fell asleep. I was able to carry her to bed and get her jammies on all while she still slept. If only we could all sleep so soundly! By the way, any suggestions on how to get a 3 1/2 year old to stop sucking her thumb would be greatly appreciated!


Kristin said...

Sweetest sweetie!!! That's so cute. I can just hear her now "Abby and Julia not play with me!" As for getting "soft" and the "tuck" only suggestion would be to take "soft" away from her during the day, and give it to her only at bedtime. Then, sooner or later...she either won't want it anymore, or you can take it away at night too eventually.

marnmic said...

Shoot! Lisa. Don't even worry about it yet. I won't say which one of our children did this, but one liked their thumb at night until they were like six or seven. This child never had any teeth problems either. In fact, this one probably has the best teeth of all three!
IMHO, it is good for children to have certain things to comfort them. I love she has a "soft" I think that is great. The thumb...let her have it another year...but only at bedtime. :-)

Lisa said...

Thanks for the suggestions. I've pretty much known that I need to take her "soft" away but she gets SO much comfort from it I was hoping there might be another way. Mary Ann, that's great to hear that one of your kids (who shall remain nameless) didn't have any long term affects!!!

Anonymous said...

That photo is priceless. Gage, our four old, gave up his lovey in March (Pete blogged about it, of course). It was his idea, but it was still so hard. He brought Pete and I to tears he missed it so much.

R. Marshall said...

Sweet picture. She may replace her "soft" with something else (i.e. shirt)once you take it away from her. I sucked my fingers until I was 6 and I required something soft to rub my lip while doing so. My mom tried everything, but nothing worked. I don't know what did it, but I stopped overnight like it was nothing. I say don't worry about it until she is older (around 6 or 7) :)