Monday, August 18, 2008

Baked Potatoes, Sleeping Girl and New Chairs

I hadn't planned on blogging again quite so soon but there were a few events of the day that I thought warranted a post! I'm sure many of you already know what a picky eater Olivia is. We often call her "Mini Kristin" because she takes after my sister in that way! Now to be clear, I'm not asking the girl to eat brussel sprouts, broccoli or peas. She won't even eat comfort foods like mashed potatoes and gravy. She loves her fruit, yogurt, cheese, bread, macaroni cheese, chicken nuggets and crackers. You get the picture. Well tonight I made "Loaded Baked Potatoes" for dinner. I told myself before offering it to her that I was going to stand firm and not give in to her tears. I served up her potato and gave her a little pep talk and what do you know, she ate it!!! She said, "Mmmm, mommy this is so good!". Maybe this is a step in the right direction!

Then while I was cleaning up the dishes, Abby and Julia went on an errand with Kelby, so I settled Liv on the couch to watch her favorite show on Noggin ... I normally hear her singing along but as I was doing the dishes I noticed how quiet it was so I went to check on her and this is how I found her ... She was sound asleep! I guess eating that potato took a lot out of her!!!

When Kelby returned with the girls he had the new chairs we bought for our front porch which had been on back order. Don't they look inviting?

I look forward to many evenings sitting out on the porch reading a good book with a tall glass of ice tea ...
That is if I can get these girls of mine off of them!

Sunday, August 17, 2008

A Break From Regular Programming ...

I got this email from a friend the other day, and since I don't have anything new to post about "The Redheads", I thought I'd post this "getting to know you" questionnaire. Who knows, you might learn something about me you never knew!

1. Gone on a blind date: Yes, my very first date was a blind date
2. Skipped school: I think maybe once in high school my friend and I skipped out to go to the mall
3. Watched someone die: No
4. Been to Canada: No
5. Been to Mexico: No ... but I'm going on a Missions Trip to Costa Rica in a few months ... more on that to come!!
6. Been to Florida: Yes, just last month!
7. Been on a plane: Yes, but I prefer not to. I'm not a fan of flying! Turbulance scares me to death!
8. Ever had your heart broken: Yes ... it also hurts to be the one to do the breaking though!
9. Been on the opposite side of the country: Yes, I lived on the opposite side of the country - Germany - for 3 years!
10. Gone to Washington, DC: No, but I would love to!
11. Swam in the ocean: If you count going waist deep swimming in the ocean, then yes. Honestly, I'm too afraid of sharks and of being out of my depth to swim in the ocean.
12. Cried yourself to sleep: Of course, I'm a girl
13. Recently colored with crayons: Yes, I love to color with my girls. I think it's theraputic.
14. Sang Karaoke: Not on your life!!!
15. Paid for a meal with coins only: At the drive thru sometimes.
16. Made prank phone calls: Yes, in Junior High ... before caller ID. Kids can't do that anymore, can they?
17. Laughed until some kind of beverage came out of your nose: Yes
18. Written a letter to Santa Claus: Yes. I would leave a letter for Santa by the cookies and milk I left out on Christmas Eve and he always wrote back. It took me years to realize it was my dad's handwriting!
19. Been kissed under the mistletoe: Yes
20. Watched the sunrise with someone you care about: You know I don't think I've ever sat and watched the sunrise. Too early for me!
21. Blown bubbles: Of course, I have kids!
22. Gone ice-skating: Once and I wasn't very good
23. Been skinny dipping outdoors: No! Do you think I'd really admit to this though, my mom reads this blog! :) Just kidding, I haven't! Honestly!
24. Gone to the movies: Yes, I love going to the movies!
25. Any nickname? Lis, Leah
26. Mother's name: Jean
27. Favorite drink? Lemonade
28. Any Tattoos? No
29. Body piercings? Just ears, one whole in each. I had them double pierced a long time ago but I let them close up. I guess I go for the more classic look.
30. How much do you love your job? My full-time job - I love it! Best job in the world to be a mom. My part-time job as an administrative assistant to one of the pastor's at our church - It's great to work for such a wonderful man of God, to learn something in the process and to be able to do 95% of it at home! The Lord has truly blessed me.
31. Favorite vacation? Venice, Italy! I would love to go to Greece, Ireland and Hawaii one day!
32. Ever been to Africa? No
33. Ever been on TV? A commercial once, only because they recorded hometown greetings while we were in Germany to air on TV back home. I never got to see it though.
34. Ever been in a car accident? Yes, once when I was about 20. I totalled my little Mazda 323. A car pulled out of a side street and hit the passenger side. I went to the Chiropractor for months afterwards.
35. Drive a 2-door or 4-door vehicle? 4-door Honda Odyssey. You should see me driving Kelby's 2-door with all 3 girls. It's quite a sight!
36. Favorite salad dressing? Raspberry Vinagrette
37. Favorite pie ? I prefer cake but I do love Dutch Apple
38. Favorite number? I don't have a favorite number
39. Favorite movie? Too many ... Sound of Music, Pride & Prejudice, Meet the Parents, Dan in Real Life, The Bourne Trilogy, The Italian Job
40. Favorite holiday? Christmas
41. Favorite dessert? White Chocolate Raspberry Cheesecake from the Cheesecake Factory!!!
42. Favorite food? Chinese, Mexican, Italian. I'm easy to please. Pretty much anything but Sushi!
43. Favorite day of the week? Saturday
44. Favorite brand of body wash? Bath and Body Works
45. Favorite smell? Newborn babies
46. Do you remember your first kiss? I was 17 and it was on my very first date. Of course I remember, you never can forget your first kiss.
47. What do you do to relax? Read a book, listen to worship music
48. How do you see yourself in 10 years? Being the mom to 3 teenage girls. Lord, help me!
49. How many siblings do you have? 1 brother who is 30 and 1 sister who is 25
50. Furthest place you will send this message? It's on my blog, so who knows?

Those were some pretty random questions! So, did you learn anything new about me? Comment away! Well, the house is quiet so I think I'll go take a Sunday afternoon nap. I'm feeling pretty exhausted from staying up late too many nights watching the Olympics! I also ran 15 miles this week, but not all at once! A nap sounds pretty good right now! Until next time ...

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Big Girl Liv

Congratulations are in order to Olivia. She officially stopped sucking her thumb 3 weeks ago! Who would have thought that a trip to the dentist woud give her the confidence and desire to kick the very strong habit?!? She has been sucking her thumb, always with her blanket (soft, saw ... it had so many names), since a newborn. Her blanket was always the trigger for her thumb sucking, so a couple months ago I started to put it away during the day and just give it to her at bedtime. But then after our Disney trip, old habits started to form again and she ended up with it all the time. That is, until 3 weeks ago. She went in for her first dentist visit and the dentist noticed right away that she was a thumb sucker. He had a little pep talk with her and said that your teeth are your friends and you don't want to do anything to hurt them. He also told her she has such pretty sparkly teeth, which she talked about for days. On our way home she said, "Mommy, I'm not going to tuck anymore". I said, "That's great Liv" but I'm thinking to myself (because she's said this before) "yeah right, we'll see about that when bedtime comes". Well bedtime came, and while it takes a lot longer to get her to sleep, she has been without her blanket and thumb for 3 weeks. My little girl is growing up! Thought you might enjoy some pics of Liv over the years with her blanket and her thumb.

Nothing's better than hiking the mountains of Colorado as long as you have your thumb

Wow, I'd forgotten her "soft" was ever that pink and ... clean!

Chillin' with Grandpa

Relaxing with my friend Morgan

Liv fell asleep like this in Julia's room (faithful blog readers: you may remember this from one of my previous posts!)

RIP Soft - We'll miss you! This post is making me feel a little sad so I'm going to go watch the US Swim teams Freestyle Relay Race that I taped on my DVR last night. That'll lift my spirits. What an exciting event! I was on the edge of my couch watching those incredible swimmers beat the French. After all the French swimmers said about smashing the Americans, it was kind of fun to watch them eat their humble pie at the Medal Ceremony. I can't wait to see Michael Phelps swim the 200m Freestyle tonight! The guy is amazing!

Go Michael!

Friday, August 1, 2008

Counting on God

I took this video of the girls yesterday and thought I'd share it with you all. It's their new favorite song and they have been singing it nonstop! It blesses me to hear them sing "It's the miracle of Christ in me. It's the mystery that sets me free. I'm nothing like I used to be. Open up your eyes you'll see". I hope it blesses you too.

The video stops abruptly, as you'll see, to avoid an all out war between my girls! Remember to pause my playlist before you play the video.