Congratulations are in order to Olivia. She officially stopped sucking her thumb 3 weeks ago! Who would have thought that a trip to the dentist woud give her the confidence and desire to kick the very strong habit?!? She has been sucking her thumb, always with her blanket (soft, saw ... it had so many names), since a newborn. Her blanket was always the trigger for her thumb sucking, so a couple months ago I started to put it away during the day and just give it to her at bedtime. But then after our Disney trip, old habits started to form again and she ended up with it all the time. That is, until 3 weeks ago. She went in for her first dentist visit and the dentist noticed right away that she was a thumb sucker. He had a little pep talk with her and said that your teeth are your friends and you don't want to do anything to hurt them. He also told her she has such pretty sparkly teeth, which she talked about for days. On our way home she said, "Mommy, I'm not going to tuck anymore". I said, "That's great Liv" but I'm thinking to myself (because she's said this before) "yeah right, we'll see about that when bedtime comes". Well bedtime came, and while it takes a lot longer to get her to sleep, she has been without her blanket and thumb for 3 weeks. My little girl is growing up! Thought you might enjoy some pics of Liv over the years with her blanket and her thumb.
Wow, I'd forgotten her "soft" was ever that pink and ... clean!
3 comments: made me kinda sad to read this. She is growing up! You should take "soft" and cut it up into squares or something and make a blanket out of it for her so she can have it when she's older!
Liv is precious. She is growing up. It's bittersweet when they do this. A joy that they are becoming responsible little people, but sad because you miss the fun "baby" moments.
I don't think I ever truly appreciated the meaning of the word "bittersweet" until I became a parent. :-)
Did you see the men's gymnastics...they held on for the bronze. i was so proud of them!
Aw, I can imagine that leaves you with mixed emotions! It's great to see her grow up, I'm sure...but that's also got to be hard stuff.
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