Thursday, July 24, 2008

New Addition

Don't fall of your chair or anything, I'm not pregnant ... we just got a new puppy last night! She is a black Miniature Schnauzer, she is 10 weeks old and we named her Maggie. It was totally spontaneous, we weren't even talking about getting another dog. We already have one white Miniature Schnauzer named Mitzi.
This is how it came to be ... my in-laws headed over to a local Miniature Schnauzer breeder yesterday evening to look at their pups (their dog Hannah had died a few months before and so they felt they were ready for another dog). They decided on a cute little Salt and Pepper Schnauzer. My father-in-law called me and said there was little black one available also. Well, after many phone conversations back and forth, one thing led to another and we ended up getting another dog. It's going to be a hard few weeks, with sleepless nights and lots of trips outside, but let me tell you that these three little girls of mine are beyond thrilled! We think she's pretty cute too. We're not too sure what Mitzi thinks yet.

Introducing Maggie

Abby was up at 7:00 am, after going to bed at 11:30, ready to see her new pup!

So sweet

Jules and her little Maggie

Liv was already asleep last night when we got Maggie so she was pretty surprised this morning when a little black dog woke her up by licking all over her face. You should have seen how big her eyes were!

Her sister (my in-laws dog) came over for a playdate. This is Gretel and Maggie

The redheads with the new pups

Puppies are so much fun

Julia being attacked by the Schnauzer pups

We still love you Mitzi

Too cute a pic of Olivia not to post

Grandma and her new pup Gretel

More life in bloom

My gorgeous sweet potato vine , that took forever to spread, but now that it has it looks amazing!


marnmic said...

Does this have anything to do with not wanting a bird? :-) That dog is adorable. What did you name her? Congrats. She is great. My kids will want to come and see her and then I will get pestered to get a new doggie. :-)

Kristin said...

Aww, Maggie is adorable! We can't wait to meet her! I'm jealous now, I want a puppy. :( A little soft coated wheaten terrier. Anyway...looks like she's a keeper!