Wednesday, July 30, 2008


Don't you just hate it when you lose contact with good friends? There are a few people that I would love to reconnect with. I just recently found one of them! Valerie and I met at church when we were in high school. She was a bridesmaid in my wedding and we kept in contact for awhile afterwards but between me moving to Germany and then Colorado and her moving out of state, we sorta drifted apart. I recently found her email address, so we've been keeping in touch through emails. Valerie and her husband and two girls are living in Maryland now. She is visiting her family for a few weeks so we were able to get our girls together and have some girl talk! I think it's funny that when women get together the conversation eventually drifts to their labor stories (or nightmare). Just last night I met a new friend and wouldn't you know within 5 minutes our conversation drifted to pitocin and epidurals. Girls are so funny. Here are a few pics of our morning together.

Evelyn and Olivia (Evelyn is 6 months older than Liv). They had a lot of fun together!

All the girls, even the puppy

Me and Valerie - she hasn't changed at all! She looks just like she did in high school. I wish I could say the same!

Valerie and her 3 month old baby Julia. Don't you just love the name! She has great taste

The girls playing hide and go seek


Big Julia holding little Julia

The girls all hanging out in the laundry room, which has now become the puppy training roomAbby holding a crying Julia. It must have been nap time
Now that we've found each other again, I hope we stay in touch. Maybe a visit to the east coast is in our future! Tonight we're celebrating my sister-in-law Heather's 30th birthday, so I better go get my house in order. I may enlist the help of 3 certain little redheads.


marnmic said...

I remember her! Are her parents still around here? I remember praying for a long time for her dad to find a job. how cool! Guess who I talked to yesterday? Judy Englund. We do that every once in awhile. Clarke is retiring in August. They are in San Antonio. i'm glad you got to see your friend and reconnect. It's fun!

amy (metz) walker said...

Thank you so much for your sweet commment on my blog...I really appreciate it! I watched the video of your girls singing and had to laugh at Olivia hopping into the room...they're precious!